It’s important to report sexual misconduct.
Reports of sexual misconduct can be submitted here Sexual Misconduct Incident Reporting Form.
Shenandoah University strongly encourages and supports prompt reporting of sexual misconduct. Prompt reporting allows victims to connect with resources and helps contribute to a safe campus environment. Instances of sexual misconduct may be a violation of both university policy and the law. Victims are encouraged to report complaints of sexual misconduct to university officials and local law enforcement. Law enforcement officials can explain the procedures for pursuing a criminal investigation of sexual misconduct.
To report sexual misconduct, contact the Title IX Coordinator Peter Kronemeyer at (540) 665-4921 or The Title IX Coordinator is trained in sexual misconduct best practices and procedures. The Title IX Coordinator will ensure prompt and thorough investigations are completed regarding all sexual misconduct allegations. Reports of sexual misconduct can also be submitted here Sexual Misconduct Incident Reporting Form.
Reports of sexual misconduct can lead to discipline under the Shenandoah University Sexual Misconduct Policy and may be prosecuted under Virginia criminal statutes by the Commonwealth Attorney’s office. The university can pursue disciplinary action that may result in dismissal from the university, even if no criminal charges are pursued.
Investigations may take between 60-90 calendar days following receipt of the complaint. Factors that might impair the timing of the investigation include the complexity and severity of the sexual misconduct, the number and availability of witnesses, or the need to identify and acquire physical or other evidence. Individuals who feel they have experienced sexual misconduct may file criminal charges through the criminal justice system.
For additional information regarding the investigation and resolution processes, please refer to Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
Retaliation is prohibited. The Title IX Coordinator will investigate any reported acts of harassment or intimidation, including any act of reprisal, interference, restraint or penalty (overt or covert) against any Shenandoah student or employee who is party to a complaint or associated with the proceedings described in this policy, including witnesses and members of the hearing panel.
What if the victim does not want to file an official complaint?
Even though victims of sexual misconduct are encouraged to file complaints, there may be times when they do not want to say anything. If you know the victim, encourage them to seek medical and counseling assistance.
If a victim does not wish to pursue a formal complaint or requests that their complaint remains confidential, Shenandoah University will take reasonable action in response to the victim’s information. The university’s ability to respond will be limited by adherence to the wishes of the victim.
While university officials will make every effort to adhere to the wishes of the victim, officials must balance the needs of the individual with the obligation to protect the safety and well being of the community at large. Therefore, depending on the seriousness of the alleged incident, further action may be necessary.
Can a victim remain anonymous and file a complaint?
Victims who wish to remain anonymous may receive supportive resources. However, to pursue a formal complaint and resolution by the university, complainants may not remain anonymous.